
Registration for the 2025 Annual Meeting will open December of 2024.

Registration prices (includes membership dues for 2025)-

Professional Member Registration – $375
Late Registration – after February 1st, 2025 – $425

Student Member Registration – $250
Late Student Registration – after February 1st, 2025 – $300

Guest Registration (meals only) – $250

Exhibitors and Sponsors will register through their own portal (see link below).

Exhibitor & Sponsor Portal          Exhibitor/Sponsor Instructions (step-by step with screenshots)

Need to register a group but you aren’t an exhibitor?  We have you covered there too!  Click below for group registration.

Attendee Registration 

Group Registration   (Group registration portal allows for a company admin to register a group of people at one time)

Click for how to pay with a Purchase Order

Register online at one of the links above and select payment with Purchase Order.  Send your Purchase Order to treasurer, Jon Purvis. Once you receive your invoice (confirming your registration has been processed), please send the invoice with check or money order made payable to “Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society” and mail to: TCTWS, 5796 Liberty Road, Jefferson, TX 75657. When sending purchase orders for group registrants, please specify the name of the individuals included.

Click for how to pay with two different payment methods

Register online at link above.  Select all registration items that need to be paid with the first payment method and proceed to checkout/payment.  After completing payment with the first method, revisit your registration and add any additional registration items that need to be paid with a different payment type.  Proceed with checkout a second time.  You will only be invoiced for the unpaid balance of your registration.

For example, your agency allows you to register for the annual meeting with your state credit card, but will not cover Southwest Section dues or workshop fees.  Go through the registration process the first time and only select your meeting registration.  Complete payment with your state credit card.  Revisit your registration and add any workshops or dues.  Complete second payment with your personal credit card.  Do not remove the previously paid registration items before payment with your personal card.  You will only be charged for the unpaid items.

Still having trouble?  Contact the IT Chair.

Workshops for the 2025 Meeting

Sometimes in Fire, you get the test before you get the lesson

Workshop Contact:

Speaker: Chris Schenk


We have designed the workshop for students and resource professionals with limited exposure to prescribed fire. We plan to conduct an actual prescribed fire, pending good burning conditions. We will follow up the fire with some classroom time and very brief topics. If we don’t have a good burn day like any good fire practitioner, we have an alternate plan.

Date: 2/18/2025

Schedule: 7:30-4:30PM

Number of participants: 30

Prerequisite: none

Cost: $10

R Statistical Software: From Start to Data Management

Workshop Contact:

Speaker: Dr. Heather Mathewson, Associate Professor, Tarleton State University


For many in our field we often are dealing with large datasets filled with mistakes, missing data, or nuances that take hours for us to correct before we can even think about starting our analyses. In my experience, we too often fail to give adequate attention to data management, which includes anything from initial database design, quality assurance, data integrity, and manipulations for analyses and presentation. I designed this course for anyone who is new to R, as well as for those who could use some information on how to manage their data and turn a messy dataset into an organized archive for actual use. I will cover: 1) entering a dataset into R and understanding basics of R and RStudio, 2) quality checks and how to manage mistakes or missing data, 3) basic database design and manipulation, and 4) creating descriptive statistics for presentation in tables and figures. I will review some of the more popular R packages such as tidyverse and ggplot and introduce some less known but useful packages. I will use examples from my past research to demonstrate how I have managed messy datasets derived from camera traps, vegetation measurements, and nest monitoring. I encourage participants to bring a laptop to follow along. You will need to download R and RStudio. Prior to the workshop I will send out instructions for downloading the programs, the files that we will use in the workshop, and my reference guide.

Date: 2/19/2025

Schedule: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Number of participants: 30

Prerequisite: none

Cost: none

An Extension of Land: Pond Management Workshop

Workshop Contact:

Speakers: Dr. Todd Sink, Brittany Chesser, (TS) Aquaculture Extension Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and (BC) Aquatic Vegetation Management Program Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension


This hands-on workshop is designed for wildlife professionals looking to deepen their understanding of pond management practices. Land management including livestock and wildlife operations directly impact aquatic ecosystems including ponds, and therefore the management of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is closely linked. Participants will explore critical considerations for effective pond site visits, learn the principles of fish stocking and management, and gain practical skills in identifying and managing aquatic vegetation.

Date: 2/19/2025

Schedule: 8:00 AM -12:00 PM

Number of participants: 

Prerequisite:  none

Cost: none

Mounting a Deer from Start to Finish

Workshop Contact:

Speaker: Kaleb Tierce, International and nationally recognized taxidermist, owner/operator of Trophy Case Taxidermy & Wild Game Processing


Internationally recognized taxidermist, Kaleb Tierce will demonstrate the start to finish process of mounting a white-tailed deer and provide opportunites for attendees to get involved.

Date: 2/19/2025

Schedule: 8:00 AM‒12:00 PM

Number of participants: 

Prerequisite: none

 Cost: none

Bee-Haw! Techniques for Wildlife Biologists to Identify and Survey Texas Bees

Workshop Contact:

Speaker: Dr. Adam Mitchell, Certified Wildlife Biologist®, ACUE, Assistant Professor of Entomology, Department of Wildlife and Natural Resources, Tarleton State University


This workshop will provide training on practical methods to identify and survey for native bee species in the state of Texas. Activities will include review of native bee families with focus on commonly surveyed taxa, methods to survey, collect, and identify bees in natural areas, and management recommendations to improve conservation efforts for native bees across the state.

Date: 2/19/2025

Schedule: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Number of participants:  60

Prerequisite: None

Cost: TBD

Adult Learn to Hunt Program

Workshop Contact:

Speaker: Andrew Earl , Director of Conservation, Texas Wildlife Association

This workshop will detail Texas Wildlife Association’s Hunting Heritage programs that seek to promote and preserve Texas’ hunting tradition. Learn how the Texas Youth Hunting Program and Adult Learn to Hunt Program work, their impact on the hunting community, and how you can be involved as a hunter, volunteer, or host landowner/land manager.

Date: 2/19/2025

Schedule: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM

Number of participants: 190

Prerequisite: none

Cost: TBD

Occupancy Models for Wildlife Research in R

Workshop Contact:

Speaker: Dr. Gabriel Andrade, PostDoc Researcher here at Stephen F. Ausin


Imperfect detection of species occurs when a species is present at a site, but we do not detect it during sampling. Not considering imperfect detection can lead to erroneous conclusions and therefore to bad management decisions. In this introductory workshop we will understand how occupancy models and hierarchical models allow us to consider the effect of imperfect detection on the estimation of species presence or abundance. Through a practical exercise we will learn about the elements of the basic occupancy model, how to fit them in the R programming language and what is the correct way to interpret the model results.

Date: 2/19/2025

Schedule: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Number of participants: 

Prerequisite: none

Cost: $10

Survey 123-Being Mappy with Your Data Collection

Workshop Contact:

Speaker: Amanda Hackney, Owner, GIS and Research Consultant, Black Cat GIS


Automating your field data collection with ESRI’s Survey123 will improve efficiency and reduce errors. Workshop will consist of a brief introduction to field data collection with GIS apps, then a live step by step demonstration, and lastly a question/ answer forum. We will discuss the differences in ESRI’s three major data collection apps but focus on Survey123. Follow through a live demonstration from start to finish: how to set up a form on ArcGIS Online, collect data, view submissions, and export your data to both Excel or GIS. No software or equipment required, information will be presented lecture style. Material suitable for beginners and up.

Date: 2/19/2025

Schedule: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Number of participants: 

Prerequisite: none

Cost: $10

The Wild Side of Urban Life: Wildlife Management in Texas Cities

Workshop Contact:

Speaker: Rachel Richter, Urban Biologist, Texas Parks & WIldlife Department


This workshop will feature a keynote speaker and a distinguished panel of urban wildlife professionals, who will discuss both the successes and challenges of managing urban wildlife in Texas. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in a Q&A session, as well as network with the panelists and other urban ecology professionals.

Date: 2/19/2025

Schedule: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Number of participants: 

Prerequisite: none

Cost: none

Introduction to complex networks

Workshop Contact:

Speaker: Dr. Reuber Antoniazza, Assistant Professor of Forest Wildlife Management, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, Stephen F. Austin State University

An introduction to complex network analysis for beginners. Complex network analysis is a powerful tool for understanding ecological interactions, revealing emergent patterns that remain invisible when studying the species in isolation. Datasets from host-parasite interactions, stomach content, or plant-animal interactions are perfect to be used with this tool. The second part of the class is a hands-on experience constructing and analyzing networks using R, demonstrating how this analytical approach transforms our understanding of ecological systems.

Date: 2/19/2025

Schedule: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Number of participants: 20

Prerequisite: none

Cost: $5

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