Sul Ross State University

Educational Requirements for Certification by The Wildlife Society
Suggested Major: Natural Resource Management
Suggested Concentration: Wildlife Management
Suggested Minor: Biology

1. Biological Sciences: (36 hours) Note: several courses may be used in other subcategories.
(a) Wildlife Management (6 hours) Choose 6 or more hours from the following courses:
NRM 2302 Wildlife Resource
NRM 3409 Upland and Wetland Wildlife Management
NRM 4309 Wildlife Population Dynamics
NRM 4405 Range and Wildlife Habitat Management
NRM 4407 Wildlife Management Techniques
NRM 4408 Big Game Management

(b) Wildlife Biology (6 hours) Choose 6 or more hours from the following courses:
BIOL 4403 Herpetology
BIOL 4404 Ornithology
BIOL 4409 Mammalogy

(c) Ecology (3 hours) Choose 3 or more hours from the following courses:
NRM 3401 Rangeland Ecology
BIOL 4406 Principles of Ecology

(d) Zoology, Anatomy, Physiology, Genetics (9 hours) Choose 9 or more hours from the following courses:
BIOL 1402 General Zoology
BIOL 2404 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2405 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 3306 Genetics
ANSC 2501 Animal Anatomy and Physiology
ANSC 4305 Principles of Plant and Animal Breeding

(e) Botany (9 hours) Choose 9 or more hours from the following courses:
BIOL 1401 General Botany
BIOL 3405 Agrostology
BIOL 3602 Plant Taxonomy
BIOL 4405 Plant Physiology
NRM 2401 Introduction to Range Management
NRM 4404 Range Plant Management and Utilization
NRM 4406 Range Inventory and Analysis

(f) Additional (3 hours) Choose 3 or more additional hours from courses above.

2. Physical Sciences: (9 hours) Choose 9 or more hours from the following courses:
PHYS 1401 General Physics I
PHYS 1402 General Physics II
GEOL 1401 Introductory Geology I
GEOL 1402 Introductory Geology II
GEOL 3401 Interdisciplinary GIS
CHEM 1401 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1402 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2401 Elementary Organic Chemistry
NRM 2404 Soils

3. Quantitative Sciences: (9 hours)
(a) Statistics (3 hours) Choose 3 or more hours from the following courses:
NRM 3308 Agricultural Statistics
MATH 2306 Introductory Statistics

(b) Advanced Mathematics (6 hours) Choose 6 or more hours from the following courses:
MATH 1310 Introduction to University Mathematics
MATH 1315 University Algebra
MATH 1316 Trigonometry
MATH Introductory Calculus
CS 1301 Introduction to Computing
CS 1320 Introduction to Programming

4. Humanities and Social Sciences: (9 hours) Choose 9 or more hours from the following courses:
AGB 3301 Agricultural Economics
AGB 4308 Range-Use Economics
PS 2301 State Government
PS 2302 Federal Government
PSY 1302 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 2302 Introduction to Sociology
HIST 1301 History of the U.S. to 1877
HIST 1302 History of the U.S. since 1877
SPAN 1402 First Year College Spanish
ENGL 2301 Literary Types

5. Communications: (12 hours) Choose 12 or more hours from the following courses:
ENGL 1301 Composition and Rhetoric I
ENGL 1302 Composition and Rhetoric II
ENGL 2304 Technical Writing
COMM 1303 Introduction to Speech Communication

6. Policy, Administration, and Law: (6 hours) Choose 6 or more hours from the following courses:
NRM 3304 Natural Resource Policy and Administration
NRM 4301 Environmental Assessment
CJ 3304 Wildlife Law Enforcement
PS 2304 Environmental Policy and Law

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