Tarleton State University

Educational Requirements for Certification by The Wildlife Society
Suggested Major: Wildlife Management
Suggested Minor: Biology or Range Management

1. Biological Sciences: (36 hours) Note: several courses may be used in other subcategories.
(a) Wildlife Management (6 hours) Choose 6 or more hours from the following courses:
WLDM 221 Wildlife Conservation and Management
WLDM 310 Wildlife Management Techniques
WLDM 405 Urban Wildlife Management

(b) Wildlife Biology (6 hours) Choose 6 or more hours from the following courses:
BIOL 430 Ornithology
BIOL 451 Mammalogy
WLDM 210 Avian Science
WLDM 426 Big Game Ecology and Management

(c) Ecology (3 hours) Choose 3 or more hours from the following courses:
BIOL 401 Ecology
BIOL 442 Marine Ecology
R&RM 315 Range Ecology

(d) Zoology, Anatomy, Physiology, Genetics (9 hours) Choose 9 or more hours from the following courses:
ANSC 107 General Animal Science
ANSC 309 Feeds and Feeding
ANSC 406 Animal Nutrition
BIOL 121 General Biology (Animal)
BIOL 303 Heredity
ENTO 201 General Entomology
ENTO 301 Veterinary Entomology
WLDM 311 Wildlife Diseases

(e) Botany (9 hours) Choose 9 or more hours from the following courses:
BIOL 120 General Biology (Plant)
BIOL 315 Plant Taxonomy
R&RM 300 Range and Forest Plants
R&RM 301 Principles of Range Management
R&RM 302 Range Plants
R&RM 416 Range Analysis and Planning

(f) Additional (3 hours) Choose 3 or more additional hours from courses above.

2. Physical Sciences: (9 hours) Choose 9 or more hours from the following courses:
CHEM 105 College Chemistry I
CHEM 108 College Chemistry II
CHEM 201 Organic Chemistry I
GEOL 105 Physical Geology
AGRN 301 Soils

3. Quantitative Sciences: (9 hours)
(a) Statistics (3 hours) Choose 3 or more hours from the following courses:
MATH 300 Principles of Statistics
MATH 350 Principles of Bio-Statistics

(b) Advanced Mathematics (6 hours) Choose 6 or more hours from the following courses:
MATH 107 College Algebra
MATH 109 Plane Trigonometry
WLDM 401 Population Dynamics

4. Humanities and Social Sciences: (9 hours) Choose 9 or more hours from the following courses:
ENGL 220 Introduction to Literature
HIST 201 United States History through 1877
HIST 202 United States History since Reconstruction
POLS 201 American National Government
POLS 202 Texas Government
Any Social and Behavioral Science elective

5. Communications: (12 hours) Choose 12 or more hours from the following courses:
ENGL 111 Introduction to College Composition
ENGL 112 College Composition and Research
ENGL 309 Technical Writing
COMS 301 Business and Professional Speech, or other required speech course

6. Policy, Administration, and Law: (6 hours) Choose 6 or more hours from the following courses:
WLDM 375 Conservation of Natural Resources
WLDM 385 Fish and Wildlife Laws and Administration

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