The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society is governed by a 6-member Executive Board that is elected by the membership. The Board is composed of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Past President, Board Member at Large, and Secretary. The Board Member at Large and Secretary are selected new each year, while the Vice President moves successively through the positions of President Elect, President, and Past President for a one-year term in each position.
The Archivist and Treasurer assist the Executive Board, but are selected by the Executive Board and are non-voting members.
The Executive Director is chosen by the Executive Board and is a non-voting member.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dr. Matt Wagner Cell: (979) 220-2863 executive.director@tctws.org | PRESIDENT Mary Pearl Meuth Texas A&M Agrilife Phone:(727) 366-1144 president@tctws.otg |
PRESIDENT ELECT Dr. Jessica Glasscock Stephen F Austin University Phone: (936) 468-5984 president.elect@tctws.org | VICE PRESIDENT Dr. Bill Adams Sul Ross University Phone: (432) 837-8904 vice.president@tctws.org |
PAST PRESIDENT Blake Grisham Texas Tech University Phone: (806) 781-9079 past.president@tctws.org | BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE Chris Farrell Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Phone: (430) 235-5364 board.member.at.large@tctws.org |
SECRETARY Mikayla Killiam Texas A&M Agrilife Phone: (210) 854-2148 secretary@tctws.org | TREASURER Jon Purvis Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Phone: (512) 217-7721 treasurer@tctws.org |
ARCHIVIST Maureen Frank Texas AgriLife Extension Phone: (830) 261-0539 archivist@tctws.org |